Industrial & Mathematical
Data Analytics Research Center


05.13. 4:00 pm
서울대학교 상산수리과학관 대강당
김영헌교수, 현정환 교수
04.23. 5:00 pm
서울대학교 상산수리과학관(129동) 대강당
04.22. 3:30 pm
서울대학교 상산수리과학관(129동) 대강당
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특별 강의
조재현 UNIST 2022-11-03
It is a fascinating and challenging problem to count number fields with bounded discriminant. It has so many applications in number theory. We give two examples. First, we compute the average of the smallest primes belonging to a conjugacy class. Second, we compute the average residue of the...
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IACR Distinguished Lecture by Shafi Goldwasser, presented at Crypto...
Shafi Goldwasser 2019-03-13
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서울대학교 2019-03-13
특별 강의
제목 : Machine Learning on Privacy-preserving Blockchain Using Homomorphic...
천정희 (서울대학교) 2019-02-28